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Caden Skye Holloway

Caden was just five years old when he won his first pocket knife early last year at the Union Parish Chamber Banquet.  The next day he immediatley started going around the yard picking up sticks and cutting on the ends of them making it into a sharp point.  Before long he had figured out his technique and how to get the points super sharp and had a collection of sharp sticks laying all around the house.  


Trying to figure out what he was going to do with them, the idea came up to try and sell them.  He walked over to the neighbors house and sold his first sharpened stick for $1.00.  A little boy with a hobby walked out the house and returned being a business kid.  From that moment on he was known as “The Stick Boy.”


Caden has been door knocking all around his neigborhood walking and riding his bike up and down the streets trying to sell his sharpend sticks.  To this day he has sold over 200 sticks!  He has sold and mailed out his sharpened sticks to 10 different US states and even sold some across the ocean to a customer in London!! 


In December 2020, Caden raised $172.00 selling his sharpened sticks and bought dog and cat food for local  animal shelters and fosters!  He delivered all the food to them personally and got to meet the animals he was helping, along with receiving a lot of puppy kisses! Caden is looking forward to doing many more acts of kindness with the money he raises selling his sticks!


With every order Caden receives his excitment and ideas get bigger and bigger!! He has now branched into adding epoxy in his sticks making them more colorful and interesting to admire! 


This is definitley just the beginning of Caden’s journey as a business kid and as he continues to grow he continues to give God all the glory for making his business such a success and as always a huge THANK YOU to all of the people who have helped support him thus far in his business! There is so much love sent his way!!

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